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     As a child, mostly into my teen years, I'd always been fascinated with the ability of telekinesis and things like that. At the time, I didn't have the know how to write a book the way I'd wanted to express it in regards to telling this story. I wrote Self Convictions & Self Consciousness while deployed in Iraq during my down time. The other two books came later. I'd intended on only writing a trilogy but, due to some of my readers' expressing interest, I wrote the fourth installment to finalize the series.

     The way I have them ordered above is the way they fall in the series. They are not self-help books. They are suspense thrillers with a paranormal twist.  

     And the Hand of God was written on a whim. I've always been fascinated by the Book of Revelations in the Bible. I decided to write an end of days tale with an unlikely hero. This in not a biblical story in any other sense.

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     Dissecting Sean Connor was written while in a Young Adult Literature class at Washburn University. Having teenagers myself, I know that being accepted and finding oneself is difficult. I wanted teens to know they aren't alone and all is never lost. This is a stepping stone in life we all have to endure. This book deals with molestation, homosexuality, and bullying.

     Because It Feels Good is another one I wrote on a whim. I've always been fascinated by the mind of a serial killer. I've read many books written by Anne Rule. I wanted to create something that keeps the reader guessing until the end and keeps you interested with wonder.

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     I wrote this book because I was in the Army for 12 years while in the closet. This book isn't about me specifically but it expresses some of the oppression and feelings I went through during that part of my life. This book deals with the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy and love between two soldiers as well.

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